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Lumen Rise Estate

Land Development

Project Type / Category
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End Client
DM Civil / GNC Contractors
Project Value
Project Location
Lot 822/823 Mills Road, West Martin, Western Australia
Project Completion
Site Area
Number of Lots Developed
Number of Stages
Value Engineering Solution
  • Demolition, dust and noise vibration related issues were managed with proactive measures such as early stabilisation of stockpiles using gluon and water carts spraying down excavators as material was loaded into trucks in peak wind conditions.
  • Key approvals from all authorities were required before construction started. To navigate through over 35 WAPC Conditions meant regularly getting approval authorities together to discuss concerns and reach consensus. This often meant Pritchard Francis had to quickly put forward different schemes to satisfy multiple parties and keep the approval process moving.
Unique Design Items
  • Major earthworking equipment was not used when prevailing easterlies hit the site and all of the site was stabilised for the weekend. Dust monitors were employed in key areas of the site and were moved to neighbouring properties proactively to ease the concerns of the general public. Where complaints occurred, Pritchard Francis worked with the Contractor to stem concerns.

This 97 lot subdivision bordering the Canning River is located one kilometre south-east of the Gosnells Town centre. Strict water and foreshore management guidelines resulted in a stringent approval process involving the Department of Environment, Department of Water, City of Gosnells and the Swan River Trust for works in the Canning River Reserve (Part 5 approved). 

Pritchard Francis undertook the lead role to coordinate and document approvals for an urban water management plan, foreshore management plan, and subdivision works management plan in support of the Part 5 approval. Difficult ground conditions included clay soils, potential acid sulphate soils and perched ground water. Clay grading and subsoil drainage was designed to control the water table. Bio retention swales and rain gardens were employed to manage surface runoff with the principles of water sensitive urban design. 

Infrastructure upgrades for the site included coordination of a type 40 pump station and pressure main, 1750m upgrade of a dia 250mm water main, 1100m of dia 300 outfall sewer and an upgrade to the existing Mills Road West.