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Hungerford Avenue, Halls Head - Stages 1-3

Land Development

Project Type / Category
More Projects
End Client
Cape Bouvard Investments Pty Ltd
Project Location
Hungerford Avenue and Balmoral Parade, Halls Head WA 6210

The vision for the proposed precinct includes a new town square surrounded by civic and commercial buildings and shared-surface streets, creation of new main streets, expansion of an existing shopping centre, future retail with active streets and multi storey mixed use development with rooftop parking, as well as new major road connections. The site is bounded by Old Coast Road on the east, an existing shopping centre on the south and Hungerford Avenue to the northwest.

The Pritchard Francis team has been involved in civil engineering consultancy services for bulk earthworks and Stages 1-3 of the project thus far.

Works included heavy involvement in coordinating civil construction works at site start-up and clearing stage, as there were limited water supplies available in the area, with the City of Mandurah requesting that scheme water not be used, and no groundwater allocation being available for the site. Dust suppression was a significant concern at this stage, with a mix of saline water and tankered in fresh water being the final approved method.

Stage 1 works consisted of earthworks, sewer and water reticulation, stormwater drainage, roadworks, power and communications for Lot 505 Hungerford Avenue. Design for the road network and earthworks for the future Bunnings site ensured that drainage and site clearing accounted for surrounding bushland retention constraints.

Stage 2 and 3 of the project have included planning, concept and detailed design and documentation, contract administration, cost estimate for bulk earthworks, and liaison with council to obtain principle support for the Hungerford Avenue roundabout design.