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Lot 1011 Yanchep Beach Road, Yanchep

Land Development

Project Type / Category
Feature Projects
End Client
Primewest Pty Ltd
Bulk Earthworks - Georgiou Group / Stage 1 & 2 - Wormall Civil
Project Location
Lot 1011 Yanchep Beach Road, YANCHEP WA
Site Area
Number of Lots Developed
556 overall

Vertex at Yanchep is a residential development located north of Yanchep Beach Road and is bound by an existing residential development to the east and the proposed extension of the northern corridor rail reserve along the western boundary.

Pritchard Francis in conjunction with Burgess Design Group developed the overall structure plan for the site, which is progressively being issued for WAPC application and approval. 

Work which formed this contract included bulk earthworks to the entire 42ha site in lieu of approved WAPC Conditions. Pritchard Francis liaised with the City of Wanneroo extensively to obtain Development Approval of the works which enabled an efficient cut to fill earthworks programme to be undertaken across the site in a short duration.

The civil design works also included retaining walls, sewer reticulation, water reticulation, underground power, NBN Co reticulation, drainage and roadworks.

Given the 1,200m of existing residential and 1,000m of rail reserve boundaries to tie into, Pritchard Francis undertook multiple iterations of the earthworks design to ensure that a cut to fill operation was achieved. Understanding the potential location of rock also enabled the risk to be mitigated by minimizing the extent of cut where appropriate.

In addition to the above, through the engagement of an environmental consultant, grass trees were salvaged across the site prior to clearing, which will be reused in the final POS designs. Extensive regions of natural bushland have also been retained across several POS spaces to ensure landscaping budgets are focussed on key landmarks rather than mulching of large regions.