Bentley 360
Land Development
- Material reuse.
- Balanced site.
- Tree retention.
The Department of Communities is looking to deliver at least 1,500 new dwellings in what is one of the most significant medium-to-high density urban infill developments in WA. This site will consist of both public and private housing in accordance with “Direction 2031 and Beyond” and the State affordable housing targets.
Bentley 360 is the transformation of a site impacted by poor remediation of a former quarry whilst also being activated for an expanded/dense use. Over 130 dwelling equivalents have been demolished and further civic infrastructure and facilities will be removed/demolished and consolidated/replaced, and environmental impacts considered.
There are also over 1,000 trees tagged within the project site, of which almost 300 are of high retention value and have been incorporated into the design. The significant increase in density also requires upgrades to all trunk services external to the subdivision footprint.
Pritchard Francis was involved in the development of “Ideas for Bentley”; the outcomes of a research synthesis workshop facilitated by the Cooperative Research Centre for Water Sensitive Cities (CRCWSC).
The development is a brownfield infill development site. A future population of at least 3,750 people will support the provision of new state-of-the-art community and retail facilities within a vibrant and activated village centre.
The remediation of the site and balanced cut-to-fill allows for the retention of impacted material onsite; meaning for limited tipping of material and subsequently no importation of fill material. There are outright economic efficiencies in this solution.