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Dangerous Goods Terminal


Project Type / Category
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End Client
Coogee Chemicals Pty Ltd
Downer EDI works
Project Value
Project Location
Kwinana, Western Australia
Project Completion
Unique Design Items
  • Fully bunded and sealed concrete slabs and sumps to contain any dangerous chemical spills.

Pritchard Francis was commissioned to provide design and documentation services for construction of a new dangerous goods terminal in Kwinana.

The terminal is utilised for storage of a variety of classes of liquid dangerous goods in isotainers, stored within concrete containment bunds.

Bund containment sizes required careful consideration to provide required spill containment volumes, whilst maintaining gradients and storage spacing to suit isotainers loading and unloading utilising a self-propelled isoloader.

Civil works consisted of roads and crossings suitable for b-double truck access, onsite stormwater collection and containment, plus necessary works to enable crossing of a large diameter Water Corporation steel pipeline. All works were required to meet strict environmental requirements.