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Type 180 Pump Station

Civil Infrastructure

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End Client
Georgiou Precast
Georgiou Precast
Project Location
South Hedland, Western Australia
Project Completion
July 2014
Value Engineering Solution
  • Insitu to precast alternative design.
  • N65 concrete.
  • Coordination with pipework and waterproofing requirements.
Unique Design Items
  • Water Corporation design requirements.
  • Below water table in Pindan soil types.
  • Crane and lifting calculations provided.

Pritchard Francis was commissioned directly to the Builder to provide an alternative design on an existing structural solution.

The Type 180 Pump Station is a traditional Water Corporation design. The pump pit was 12m deep and as part of the redesign was requested to convert the original insitu concrete design to a precast solution.

Pritchard Francis was able to resolve and rectify all the related design issues and allowed the builder to progress with the precast design. The on site construction for the project was less than two weeks for the entire Type 180. This was a rapid construction process compared with the original insitu design.

Due to the successful turnaround of this project Pritchard Francis has been commissioned to review and comment on other precast and insitu structures to improve the Contractor's existing capabilities.