Greater Curtin Bus Interchange
Civil Infrastructure
- Several design components were considered with respect to efficiency and value engineering. This included simplification of road and intersection geometry, levels to minimise fill requirements and potential retaining walls, and extent of service reticulations.
- Following extensive liaison with the design team, the interchange was selected to operate in a counter clockwise (contraflow) arrangement, such that bus shelters and passenger access would be located in a large central island. This allowed greater efficiency for shelters associated with the bus interchange, and resulted in bus stands and buses being separated further from surrounding buildings, providing greater benefit with respect to noise and fumes. The contraflow arrangement, once accounting for swept paths for articulated buses along with other specific requirements resulted in some complicated geometries with respect adjoining roads. The concept design was simplified as much as possible to avoid unnecessary infrastructure and costs. A proposed layout was developed following a number of design iterations.
The $15M Greater Curtin Bus Interchange project achieved practical completion and has been in operation since February 2019. It forms a key public transport link for the south-east metropolitan area and has enabled greater activation of the Curtin University Bentley Campus.
The Bus Interchange is a central node for the University and wider community, facilitating Transit Oriented Development. The Pritchard Francis team has been involved with this exciting project and other major infrastructure development since September 2012, providing lead and civil engineering consultancy services to Curtin University in line with the Greater Curtin Sustainable City vision.
Pritchard Francis was commissioned through Coniglio Ainsworth Architects to complete full design and construction management for the Bus Interchange, and integration with the Mainstreet works. This included coordination of the roads connecting to the interchange along with auditing of existing streets through the campus, whilst developing several detailed plans that needed to be thoroughly coordinated with a number of services and infrastructure.