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Porter Street Pedestrian Bridge


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End Client
Perth Regional Alliance (Water Corporation)
Project Location
Porter Street, Gwelup

Pritchard Francis was engaged by Perth Regional Alliance to undertake a structural condition inspection of the existing Porter Street pedestrian bridge. The information gathered from this inspection would then be used to provide comment on the bridge’s suitability to continue in its current function. Data from this inspection along with specified assumptions were then used to analyse the likely load carrying capacity of the bridge in its current condition. Based on the results of the site inspection and associated desktop analysis, remediation recommendations have been made.

As part of the remediation recommendations, a new balustrade system has been specified and a sketch produced. The new balustrade system is designed in accordance with Australian Standard AS 5100-2017.

The inspection consisted of the visual inspection of accessible structural items only. No destructive, non-destructive or load testing of any members was carried out during the inspection. It should be noted that this report does not constitute a structural certification of the bridge. The visual inspection was also limited by accessibility constraints due to the presence of water beneath most of the bridge length.