Brockman 1 NPI Facilities Infrastructure Upgrades
Resources & Energy
Pritchard Francis were engaged by Georgiou Group under a D&C arrangement as the Lead Consultant for the Brockman 1 NPI Facilities Infrastructure Upgrades. As the Lead Consultant, Pritchard Francis were responsible for the management of all disciplines undertaking the industrial, structural and civil design and documentation.
The scope of works included bulk earthworks, stormwater drainage, flood modelling & diversion drain, hardstands, laydown areas, road access, parking, heavy and light duty pavements design. Facilities designed included an integrated HV workshop (4 bays), adjoining offices, a warehouse, tool store, medical centre expansion, road train workshop expansion, road train refuelling, HV washdown facility extension, site services & systems upgrades, flood modelling, bulk earthworks roads & pavements and associated infrastructure to expand and upgrade the existing site which was established in 2014.
Scope of services includes architectural, civil, structural, MEP services, BCA/NCC and fire engineering with the project team consisting of Parametric, NDY, Resolve Group, Xero Fire and Risk engaged by Pritchard Francis.
The works included significant coordination with Georgiou Group and Rio Tinto to coordinate the works with future expansion plans under development by Rio Tinto being developed concurrently.