
We design places for people to live, work, and congregate – the essential infrastructure that makes our communities inclusive, accessible, and habitable.

Multi Residential

With the push to increase Perth’s inner city population densities and the growth in affordable housing projects, it is inevitable that larger multi residential and mixed use apartments will continue to flourish across the city and the surrounding suburbs.

Pritchard Francis has completed hundreds of these buildings over many years, including Condor Tower, where 18 storeys were "piggy backed" onto the top of an existing 10 storey structure. Our ongoing and strong relationship with some of Perth’s largest builders and contractors is testament to our knowledge and expertise in the construction industry.

There are numerous options available in the type and methods of construction within this market. Experience and a strong understanding of the construction industry is critical in selecting the correct methods and solutions with the correct choice often being the difference between a viable or nonviable project.