One Mabel Park
- Combined ground slab and footing system – to minimise the amount of de-watering on the high-water-table site, the footings were combined with the slab-on-ground, minimising the required excavation. The lift pit was also designed with minimal depth below the base of the pit for the same reason.
- Subsoil drainage – rather than accepting the nominated design groundwater levels based on historical maximums, previous data collected close to the site was used to nominate a lower design groundwater level, thus removing the need for permanent tanking of the basement. A subsoil drain with overflow point was included to manage the long-term risk of an extreme stormwater event.
One Mabel Park is a new development on the former nursery site between Wembley Sports Park and Henderson Park on Salvado Road in Jolimont.
It is a multi-unit residential development comprising 46 apartments (6 x one bed, 5 x two bed and 35 x three bed) with associated basement car parking and amenities. The apartments will be targeted at mid-level market prices and all finishes and fittings will be selected accordingly.
Pritchard Francis was engaged by Iris Residential to provide civil and structural engineering consultancy services for the project. An intensive schematic design phase resulted in the majority of transfer being avoided in the structural solution, whilst maintaining the key architectural requirements of the project, with client input critical to this process. A Contractor was appointed on the project prior to final design drawings being completed and so preferred solutions were incorporated into the final design.